
RN vs. 执业护士(NP)


你是一名护理专业人士,想要提升你的职业生涯吗? Maybe you are looking at healthcare jobs 和 are curious about the different nursing opportunities available.

Two popular choices are 注册护士(RN) 和 执业护士(NP). 在这里,软件下载将看看两者之间的异同.



1. 工作角色 & 责任

Registered nurses (RN) 和 nurse practitioners (NP) are different types of nurses with unique scopes of practice:

  • 注册护士直接与病人打交道, 管理评估, 日常活动, 安排程序和操作. 注册护士与包括医生和专家在内的护理团队密切合作. 的y are not allowed to 处方药物s, diagnose patients, or write treatment plans.
  • An NP is an advanced practice registered nurse who works directly with patients, 但更像一个医生. 执业护士可以做出诊断, 制定和管理治疗计划, 处方药物, 和更多的. NPs往往享有更多的自主权, 更大的实践范围, 增加收入潜力, 作为一名注册护士,这是一个伟大的职业发展.

Keep in mind specific roles 和 责任 for both RNs 和 NPs can vary by state due to state regulations 和 licensure.


2. 教育需求

成为注册护士, 你通常需要两到四年的学校教育, 取决于你的学校, 度的选择, 以及你之前已经完成的大学课程. 你需要获得一个本科学位 护理学副学士 或者一个 护理学理学士.

完成学位后, graduates will need to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses exam (NCLEX-RN). This nationwide exam tests graduates on the application 和 analysis using the nursing knowledge they gained in school, 确认他们有资格从事初级护理工作.

作为注册护士, you also have the capability to potentially specialize in an area of interest with the right education 和 experience, 包括 医疗/外科护理学, 肿瘤学, 儿科, 新生儿/ NICU,以及更多.

To 成为一名执业护士在美国,你需要获得护理学硕士(MSN)学位. Schools can offer programs focusing on NP specialties to prepare you best to pass the certification exam 和 become eligible to practice soon after graduation.

教育al options are available to current RNs who hold either an ASN/ADN or BSN. 软件下载提供 BSN到MSN的路径,也为那些想从 ASN/ADN到MSN.

有很多 不同类型的执业护士,包括:

  • 家庭护士 (FNP). Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) provide primary 和 specialty care to patients of all 年龄s, 从儿童到成人. 的y examine, diagnose issues, develop 和 man年龄 treatment plans with patients. 您会发现fnp在各种环境中工作, 包括医院, 诊所, 医生的办公室, 甚至是学校和公司.
  • 精神科精神健康执业护士 (PMHNP). Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) provide a full range of primary health care services, 包括 diagnosing 和 caring for patients with mental illness 和 co-occurring disorders. PMHNPs可在多种环境中发挥作用, 包括医院, 诊所, 私人精神病医生执业, 以及以社区为基础的心理健康服务.
  • 成人老年初级保健执业护士 (AGPCNP). Gerontological nurse practitioners (AGPCNPs) provide medical services for older patients 和 help them man年龄 all aspects of aging. AGPCNPs进行体检, 分析结果, 评估健康状况,制定完整的治疗和健康计划. 的y often work in hospitals 和 nursing homes, 和 may do home visits or work in private practice.
  • 成人老年急症护理执业护士 (AGACNP). 的se nurse practitioners also work specifically with adult 和 geriatric patients, although they specialize in providing acute 和 chronic care in an intensive care or emergency environment.
  • 儿科执业护士 (PNP). 的se types of NPs, like AGNPs, can potentially work in a primary care 或者一个cute care capacity. 的y specialize in the care of infants, toddlers, adolescents, 和 young adults.

类开始 1月8日


3. 工资


Depending on the state, it’s possible you may not need to work as an RN first before becoming an NP. 然而, most nurses start out practicing as RNs before eventually furthering their education to become an NP, a类高级执业注册护士. One of the benefits some organizations have for RNs is tuition assistance to encour年龄 an RN to return to school 和 advance their degree.

因为他们的实践范围更大, nurse practitioners earn a higher salary on aver年龄 than registered nurses.

RN vs. NP平均工资*


4. 就业前景

注册护士和执业护士的就业前景都是积极的. 的 劳工统计局 projects employment of registered nurses will grow 9 percent through 2030, 高于所有职业的平均水平. 这部分是由于人口老龄化, 更加重视预防保健, 慢性病的发病率也在上升, 比如糖尿病.

护士从业人员的工作前景甚至更好. 这个群体的就业是 预期 到2030年增长52%,远高于平均水平.

的 significant need for primary healthcare services more in line with what physicians typically provide, 尤其是在农村和内城地区, 是未来几年预期的巨大增长的原因.


5. 生活质量

Nurse practitioners may see their work/life balance or quality of life improved when they advanced from being an RN. 主要原因包括:

  • 发展你的临床实践 技能. 执业护士可能会看到病人有更复杂的健康问题, so they have an opportunity to exp和 their nursing 技能 beyond the RN role.
  • 更大的灵活性和自主权. Nurse practitioners often get to have more control over their schedule 和 patient appointments than RNs.
  • 更多时间与病人相处. 执业护士有许多与医生相同的职责, 这意味着他们可以做出诊断, 制定治疗计划, 开药方. 正因为如此, they are often able to spend more time with individual patients 和 develop long-term relationships.

尽管与注册护士相比有这些优点, NP角色可能非常具有挑战性,要求更高. 的ir duties may be more stressful compared to RNs because nurse practitioners often man年龄 complicated patient cases 和 are responsible for making higher-level decisions. 然而, 这通常被视为一种积极的挑战, 和 the benefits of playing a larger role in patient lives is very rewarding 和 worth it.


你准备好让你的护理事业更上一层楼了吗? 成为执业护士的第一步是获得你的MSN.

Herzing大学’s nurse practitioner programs are designed to fully prepare you to succeed as an NP right from the start. 软件下载提供多种专业化选择, 让你发现你一直想要的职业道路.



*美国劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by 美国劳工统计局 f或者一个 particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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