

Which HIM Certification is Right for You?


增加 demand for healthcare services 医疗保健技术的普及带来了机会的爆炸式增长 health information management (HIM). 找到合格的HIM专业人员来监督和管理患者记录对于当今许多医院和医疗保健组织的成功至关重要.

In evaluating new candidates for HIM positions, employers will consider an applicant’s education, their 与HIM相关的技能 以及行业认证, 特别是那些由美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA)授予的. According to AHIMA, certified 他的专业人士 需求量很大, 但许多学生并没有意识到行业证书对他们未来职业发展的重要性.

Certification is not required for all 他的专业人士, 但肯定会给你找工作带来优势. 无论你是刚刚开始你的健康信息管理职业生涯, or looking to unlock new opportunities for advancement, AHIMA认证在您的专业成长和发展中发挥着关键作用.


获得行业认证不仅可以帮助你加深你在该领域的知识和专业技能,还可以向雇主展示你对工作的承诺 继续教育. AHIMA offers credentials in HIM and 编码, 以及专业认证,以帮助HIM专业人士在他们所选择的专业中取得更大的成功.


How do I know which 认证 to get?

While RHIT and RHIA credentials may look and sound similar, each lends itself to a different career track. Before you begin your HIM career, 你要确保你知道哪条轨道更适合你的教育和职业目标:

RHIT—Registered Health Information Technician

If you’re just beginning your career in HIM and looking to become a health information technician, the RHIT 认证 might be the right track for you.

注册健康信息技术人员(rhit)通常从事技术工作,专门管理医疗记录. 作为一名RHIT,您将专注于确保患者记录的完整性和准确性,以及 编码 报销和研究的诊断和医疗程序.

Many RHITs work in hospitals, 但在其他医疗机构中也有rhit的机会, such as office-based physician practices or nursing homes, and organizations that collect patient data, such as pharmaceutical companies or health insurance firms.

RHIT申请人必须在参加考试之前完成认可的副学士学位课程. 有额外的经验, 经rmit认证的专业人士可晋升至管理职位, 特别是如果你同时拥有HIM或相关专业的学士学位.

RHIA – Registered Health Information Administrator

如果你想找一份与计算机信息系统相关的工作, collecting patient information and analyzing patient data, then you might consider applying for your RHIA 认证.

注册健康信息管理员(RHIAs)是医疗保健提供者之间的联络人, insurance companies and the patient. RHIAs often hold leadership positions, such as HIM董事或经理,监督病人健康信息和病历的管理.

作为一个RHIA, 你将与组织中不同层次的人打交道, 促进临床之间的沟通和协作, financial and administrative branches. RHIAs work in hospitals and healthcare facilities, 比如诊所, physician practices and ambulatory care settings. 在保险领域,rhia也有很大的机会, consulting and pharmaceutical industries.

In order to sit for your RHIA 认证, 你需要完成他的程序认证的学士或硕士课程的学位要求.

How getting certified helps you on the job market

获得RHIT或RHIA认证将使您在更广泛的岗位上更有竞争力. 健康信息管理的学位和证书使你在很多方面都很有资格 job opportunities in health information management.

We broke down the numbers to find the average salary for health information management careers based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

不管你的职业是什么 goals获得RHIT或RHIA证书对您的继续学习非常重要 事业成功. 了解这些职业道路在教育条件以及未来成长和进步的机会方面的不同,是在人力资源管理领域找到自己定位的第一步. 

Learn More 关于 Our Health Information Management 程序


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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